Who are the real owners of business entities in Serbia and what are their obligations?
The central register of real owners is a public, unique, central, electronic database of natural persons – real owners of legal entities and other entities registered in the Republic of Serbia (registered entities). It is regulated by the Law on Central Records of Beneficial Owners (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 41/18 and 91/2019).
Who is obliged to register?
The following are obliged to record data on the real owners:
commercial companies (except public joint-stock companies),
branches of foreign companies,
business associations and associations (except for political parties, trade unions, sports associations, churches and the like),
foundations and endowments,
foreign representative office.
But who is not required to register?
Business companies and institutions in which the Republic of Serbia, an autonomous province or a local self-government unit is the only member or founder are exempt from obligations.
Entrepreneurs are exempt from obligations.
Registration process?
For registration, you need a qualified electronic certificate (electronic signature) issued by a certification body in the Republic of Serbia.
And also an account on the Agency’s system for business registers (used to access the Agency’s electronic services).
If you still want to delegate this work, by all means you can contact us. We provide a registration service at an affordable price.